Research project on renewable energy diffusion strategies and policies

The Foundation is funding the PhD dissertation of an HEC doctoral student on the diffusion of solar panels


In partnership with the HEC, the Rexel Foundation is supporting a PhD thesis on the operational mechanisms that affect the diffusion of renewable energy systems and energy efficiency initiatives.


Project description

The study takes a holistic perspective, considering both the demand and the supply side of the energy value chain as well as the role of governments and regulators. Particular care will be dedicated to analyze the role of distributors for their ability to perform a demand aggregation and an information sharing function.



To help companies design better operational strategies in the sustainable energy industry and to optimize government policies supporting it.


The study addresses the following questions

  • What are the main drivers affecting the diffusion of sustainable energy solutions and how do they exert their impact in different parts of the value chain?
  • What is the role of incentive mechanisms in this diffusion process?
  • How are these mechanisms going to affect the decisions of the economic agents (manufacturers, distributors, customers, governments) involved in the process?

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