Raising awareness among disadvantaged individuals and families about energy transition issues thanks to 20 young “ecology and environment” civic service volunteers

The Rexel Foundation is funding the Mediaterre program run by the association Unis-Cité

2015 to 2016

On February 24, 2015, French Minister of Ecology Ségolène Royal and French Minister of Urban Affairs, Youth and Sport Patrick Kanner signed a declaration of commitment for the creation of 15,000 civic service opportunities for young volunteers in the environmental sector.

The Rexel Foundation has decided to support Unis-Cités, a pioneering French civic service association and one of the key players in this first “major nation-wide civic service program.”

As part of the Unis-Cités project Médiaterre, young civic service volunteers will raise awareness among disadvantaged individuals and families about the many issues related to the energy transition: handling of renovated or BBC (low-energy building) housing, consumption control, detection and support of families living in fuel poverty, inclusive sustainable mobility and clean transportation, circular economy and fighting food waste, waste repurposing, etc.


Expected results

  • A rewarding personal and professional experience for youth: civic service, a springboard to working life.
  • A reduction in the environmental impact of household consumption thanks to the adoption of 5-10 daily eco-actions (sustainable consumption, energy, water, waste, indoor air quality), as well as a reduction in their energy bills.

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