ATE Co : Acces to energy in the Philippines

ATE Co. promotes access to energy through an innovative lamps rental service

Manille, Philippines

In 2017, the Rexel Foundation supported "Entrepreneurs du Monde" by contributing to the implementation of the ATE Co. project, an innovative lamps rental service to promote energy access in the Philippines.

Most of the families living in the Manila slums do not have access to electricity, thus they use kerosene lamps and candles. These lighting sources give off little light and areharmful and dangerous.

ATE.Co provides families living in slums an affordable leasing service adapted to their repayment capabilities. ATE Co. has set up a rental service of LED kits which are installed in the home and are energised by lithium batteries, which give out up to 24 hours lighting. These are recharged home delivered for 15 pesos per day. These rental fees are partly used to finance a loyalty programme: with their points, the families have access to social products such as adaptors, solar lamps, etc.

ATE Co. is the first organisation to develop Pay-as- you-Go in the Philippines, a solution fully adapted to the poorest families. Beyond the financial service itself, the team brings a complete service: installing a quality product, training the family to use it, collecting payments and maintaining the kits during the repayment period.

This project is in partnership with Total.

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