

Who can become a partner of the social entrepreneurship Platform?

Any organization that believes that a Social and Solidarity Economy is the alternative economic model of the future and wants to support positive social change can become a partner of the Platform.

Partners can include companies, associations, NGOs, public or parapublic organizations, etc.


What is their role?

Partners can provide support for social entrepreneurs in many different ways:

  • Skills sponsorship.
  • Donation of equipment and materials.
  • Financial backing.
  • Transportation and logistical support.
  • Sharing of expertise, knowledge and methods.


Platform partners


The Legrand Foundation
The Legrand Foundation, a pioneer member of the Platform, fights fuel poverty and loss of physical independence. It provides financial support for identified projects on the Platform.
The Deloitte Foundation
The Deloitte Foundation joined us at the end of 2014 to support social entrepreneurs by reviewing their business models and offering assistance with the legal, organizational and financial aspects. From January to June 2015, 10 consultants provided 150 hours of pro bono counsel for the Platform’s entrepreneurs.
(IM)PROVE (formerly "Planète d’Entrepreneurs" and "Advise for Change") works with the Rexel Foundation on impact assessment tools for social innovations in the energy sector, as well as on social innovation sourcing.
Europe Tomorrow
Europe Tomorrow is in charge of identifying social innovations for fighting fuel poverty and improving access to efficient energy across Europe.
Rexel’s subsidiaries
Rexel’s subsidiaries, especially Bizline, Rexel France, Rexel UK and Inoveha, provide support via skills sponsorship for the Platform’s social entrepreneurs: experts in communication, in energy efficient solutions, and in energy auditing, at the service of social innovators.

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