Study on energy efficiency programs in Latin America led by Microsol and funded by the Rexel Foundation

This study aims to evaluate the opportunity of using carbon schemes to improve access to energy efficiency

South America

Rexel and Microsol are partnering on a study related to the feasibility of developing carbon schemes in the field of energy efficiency in the Andean zone of Latin America. The purpose of the study is to analyze 2 main issues:

  1. Understand how access for disadvantaged people to efficient equipment using renewable energy can be boosted using voluntary carbon credit scheme.
  2. Assess relevance of the carbon mechanism to accelerate deployment of eco-efficient lighting for disadvantaged people will be a special interest.


Study results

There is a true need to bring electricity to isolated rural populations in the Andean region. Renewable energy sources remain untapped despite available technological solutions that could be implemented on a large scale.
The analysis of carbon mechanisms as a means of ensuring projects’ long-term sustainability, while improving their social and environmental quality, is conclusive. There is a real opportunity to use such mechanisms, provided that the value of carbon credits increases.


Further information and the full results of the study are presented in the following documents

  • The executive summary provides the context, central issue and key findings of the study.
  • The synthesis uses a clear, didactic approach to describe the analysis of the electrification potential in the Andean region and the eligible, profitable projects that have been identified; to decipher carbon mechanisms; and to present the study’s remarkable contributions.
  • Graphics simplify and illustrate the study’s conclusions regarding the advantages related to using carbon mechanisms.
  • The full report (available in English only) also includes an in-depth study of the five Andean countries and the various technologies considered, as well as an eligibility analysis of the electrification projects with carbon mechanisms that were identified, and their potential profitability.

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